Become Our Corporate Sponsor

Dear Prospective Partner,

We invite you to join us as a corporate partner to the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors, Inc. (MSND). We understand the vital role that companies like yours play in supporting the health care system and naturopathic medicine. We are dedicated to creating a corporate partnership program that creates value for both our organizations. We understand that partnerships like this one form because you value the mission of our organization, and because there is opportunity for your business to grow among our members. We have the creativity to make it happen!

We have met our decades old goal of attaining licensure! Governor Charlie Baker signed into law our ND Licensure Bill in 2017 and after a pandemic related delay, licenses became available in the Fall of 2022. Licensed NDs are now practicing throughout the Commonwealth and we want to support their practices now and in the future. We introduced legislation in January of 2019, to include a moderate formulary, and hope that this legislation will pass. Your financial support is
as critical now as ever. We have ongoing inquiries from interested NDs wanting to come practice in Massachusetts and as our doors are open for business, we are planning for a robust welcome to newcomers.

Looking at the summary of our corporate partnership program, we are confident you will find a level of partnership that suits your business. Your contribution makes a significant impact on our growing organization.

Your corporate partnership can help support MSND on the following initiatives:

  • Help insure our new licensure and ongoing legislations proceed smoothly
  • Launch of an effective public education campaign for naturopathic medicine
  • Implementation of continuing education programs to licensed NDs
  • Creation of a robust benefit program – providing resources, discounts, and practice development support for new and existing members.

Please take a few minutes to review the benefits that we provide for our Corporate Partners. We look forward to working with you to improve the health of the residents of Massachusetts and to expanding the role that naturopathic doctors play in the state. We appreciate your consideration to partner with the MSND.


Allison Willette RN ND
President, Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors
[email protected]


Benefits of corporate sponsorship program


Diamond- $5,000

  • Sponsor is a featured partner on MSND homepage
  • Sponsor’s logo on MSND website with link to sponsor’s website
  • 250 Word description of sponsor’s company on MSND website
  • FREE display booth space at MSND Annual Meeting
  • Recognition as a sponsor in all MSND correspondence with members and prospective members
  • Sponsor’s brochure included in new member packet

Platinum – $2,500

  • Sponsor is a featured partner on MSND homepage
  • Sponsor’s logo on MSND website with link to sponsor’s website
  • 200 Word description of sponsor’s company on MSND website
  • FREE display booth space at MSND Annual Meeting
  • Recognition as a sponsor in all MSND correspondence with members and prospective members
  • Sponsor’s brochure included in new member packet

Gold – $1,500

  • Sponsor’s logo on MSND website with link to sponsor’s website
  • 150 Word description of sponsor’s company on MSND website
  • Recognition as a sponsor in all MSND correspondence with members and prospective members
  • Sponsor’s brochure included in new member packet
  • Display booth space at MSND Annual Meeting